Korean Vocabulary Mnemonic Pictures

This is a page of Korean words depicted in pictures, using the lines and shapes of the characters to create them.  To read more about them, please check out my public Facebook page for Korean Vocabulary Mnemonic Sketches, which contains most of my drawings.

Samples slideshow:

Read my paper on mnemonics for Korean acquisition and retention here:

Avi Megiddo 531 Final Paper- Facilitating Korean L2 Acquisition with Mnemonics Devices (2).pdf

Here is my unpublished book, with sketches redrawn by 최준영:

Korean Vocabulary Mnemonic Pictures- Avi Megiddo.pdf

Home » Korean Vocabulary Mnemonic Pictures » Korean Vocabulary Mnemonic Pictures
서류, documents, papers, "seo ryu"
서류, documents, papers, "seo ryu"
신문, newspaper, "sheen moon"
신문, newspaper, "sheen moon"
개, dog, "gae"
개, dog, "gae"
운전, drive, "oon jeon"
운전, drive, "oon jeon"
슬퍼, sad, "seul poh"
슬퍼, sad, "seul poh"
비누, soap, "bee noo"
비누, soap, "bee noo"
열, fever, heat, "yeol" & 약, medicine, pill, "yahg"
열, fever, heat, "yeol" & 약, medicine, pill, "yahg"
가족, family, "gah johg"
가족, family, "gah johg"
연락, contact, call, message, make contact, "yeon lahk"
연락, contact, call, message, make contact, "yeon lahk"
아침, morning, breakfast, "acheem"
아침, morning, breakfast, "acheem"
청소,cleaning, "cheong soh"
청소,cleaning, "cheong soh"
두부, tofu, "doo boo"
두부, tofu, "doo boo"
길, street, road "geel"
길, street, road "geel"
수선, tailor, mending, repair, "soo seon"
수선, tailor, mending, repair, "soo seon"
빨대, straw, "bbal dae"
빨대, straw, "bbal dae"
탁구, table tennis, ping-pong, "tahg gu"
탁구, table tennis, ping-pong, "tahg gu"
수박, watermelon "soo bahk"
수박, watermelon "soo bahk"